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Why Some People Swear by Adding Salt to Their Coffee

Why Some People Swear by Adding Salt to Their Coffee


It might seem strange to put salt in your coffee, but it can enhance the flavor of your brew. That’s because salt is a natural flavor enhancer. When used judiciously, salt can help to round out the flavors in coffee and make them more complex and neutralize bitterness.

Today, there are many different ways to enjoy coffee with salt, depending on your personal preference. Some people like to add a pinch of salt directly to their coffee grounds before brewing coffee, while others add it to a brewed cup. Others still enjoy their coffee with a salt rim.

How Salt Enhances Flavor in Coffee

The thinking behind salting coffee is that salt acts as a bitterness reducer. Bitterness is one of the five basic tastes, along with sweetness, sourness, saltiness, and umami.

When we perceive bitterness in food or drink, it is usually due to the presence of certain molecules known as bitter tastants. These molecules bind to receptors on our taste buds and stimulate a nerve response that is interpreted by our brain as bitterness.

Salt works to reduce bitterness by binding to these bitter tastants and rendering them inactive. This process is known as “masking.” By masking bitter tastants, salt effectively reduces the perception of bitterness in coffee. As a result, the other flavors in the coffee can shine through more clearly.

In addition to reducing bitterness, salt can also help to accentuate sweetness and umami (or savoriness). This is because salt increases our perception of these flavors by stimulating certain types of taste receptors.

The Right Way to Use Salt in Coffee

Now that we know how and why salt can enhance the flavor of coffee, let’s talk about how much salt you should put in your coffee. The key is to use just enough salt so that it adequately masks bitterness without making the coffee too salty.

A good rule of thumb is to start with 1/4 or quarter teaspoon of salt for every 16 ounces (2 cups) of coffee. You can always add more if you need to.

Another option is to rim your coffee cup with salt. To do this, simply run a lemon wedge around the rim of your cup and then dip it in a shallow dish of salt.

Whether you add salt to your coffee grounds or after brewing, be sure to start with a small amount and adjust to taste. You may find that a little salt goes a long way in terms of enhancing the flavor of your coffee. So enjoy your morning cup of coffee and have fun experimenting.

The Benefits of Salted Coffee

Salt Can Enhance the Flavor of Coffee

One of the primary benefits of salted coffee is that it can enhance the flavor of the coffee. Coffee is a complex beverage with hundreds of different compounds that contribute to its flavor. Adding salt can help to bring out some of the more subtle flavors in coffee that might otherwise be missed.

Salt Improves Water Quality

Another benefit of putting salt in coffee is that it can improve the quality of the water. This is because salt helps to remove impurities from water, which can, in turn, improve the flavor of the coffee.

Salt Reduces Bitterness

Another benefit of mixing salt with coffee for coffee drinkers is that it can help to reduce bitterness and make your coffee taste better. Coffee is naturally bitter because of the compounds it contains. These compounds are produced when coffee beans are roasted and include caffeine, phenylindanes acids, and chlorogenic acid lactones.

Caffeine is the least bitter of these compounds, while phenylindanes and chlorogenic acid lactones are more bitter. Adding salt can help to reduce the bitterness of coffee by binding to these bitter compounds and making them less active.

Salt Can Help to Balance the Acidity of Coffee

Another benefit of adding salt to coffee is that it can help to balance acid reflux. Coffee is naturally quite acidic, and while some people enjoy this flavor, others find it to be too harsh. Adding a pinch of salt to your coffee can help to take the edge off the acidity and make it more palatable.

Salt Can Contribute to Hydration

One potential benefit of putting salt in your coffee that is often overlooked is that it may help you stay hydrated. While caffeine is a diuretic and can cause you to lose water, adding a pinch of salt can help offset this effect and keep you hydrated.  It’s also worth noting that the main reason for adding salt to coffee is typically to enhance its taste and decrease any bitterness, rather than to aid in hydration.

Salt Can Help to Avoid Dehydration Headaches

If you are susceptible to dehydration headaches, drinking coffee with salt can help. When you are dehydrated, your blood vessels constrict, and this can lead to headaches. Adding salt helps you retain water and avoid dehydration, which can in turn help prevent headaches.

There are many potential benefits of salted coffee while some of these benefits are more well-known than others, all of them can contribute to making your coffee-drinking experience more enjoyable.

The Case Against Salted Coffee

On the other hand, some folks believe that adding salt ruins the flavor of the coffee. They argue that salt simply doesn’t belong in coffee and that it masks the delicate nuances of good-quality beans. In addition, they say that adding salt doesn’t do anything to improve the taste of hard water; it just makes the coffee less flavorful overall.

So, what’s the verdict? To add or not to add? Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. If you like your coffee with a little bit of salty goodness, go ahead and add a pinch (or two).

Tips for Making the Perfect Cup of Salty Coffee

Choose the Right Type of Salt

There are many different types of salt, and not all of them are created equal. For the best cup of salty coffee, you should use high-quality sea salt or Himalayan pink salt. These types of salt have a higher mineral content than other types of salt, which will give your coffee a more complex flavor.

Use Freshly Ground Coffee Beans

Coffee beans that have been ground fresh will always produce a better cup of coffee than pre-ground coffee beans. If you don’t have a coffee grinder at home, you can usually find freshly ground coffee beans at your local coffee shop. Additionally, high-quality coffee beans will give you the best results.

Use Filtered Water

The quality of the water you use to make your coffee will also affect the final flavor. If you want to make the best possible cup of coffee, use filtered water that has been purified of all impurities. This will ensure that your coffee doesn’t have any unwanted flavors or aromas.

Don’t Overdo it with the Salt

It’s important to find the right balance when adding salt to your coffee. You don’t want to add so much salt that it overpowers the flavor of the coffee, but you also don’t want to add so little that you can’t taste it at all. Start by adding a small amount of salt and then taste the coffee before adding more.

Let the Coffee Brew for the Recommended Time

When making drip coffee, it’s important to let the water drip through the grounds for the recommended amount of time. This will ensure that all of the flavors from the grounds are extracted into the final cup of coffee. If you brew for too short of a time, your coffee will be weak and watery. If you brew for too long, your coffee will be bitter and over-extracted.

Making a cup of salty coffee is easy, and there are many different ways to do it. The most important thing is to use high-quality ingredients and to find the right balance of salt in the coffee. With a little practice, you’ll be able to make the perfect cup of salty coffee every time.

Should You Add Salt to Coffee Grounds or Brewed Coffee

The short answer is that it depends on your personal preference. Some people like to add a pinch of salt to their coffee grounds before brewing, while others add it after brewing. Others still enjoy their coffee with a salt rim.

If you’re interested in trying salt in your coffee, start by adding a very small amount. You can always add more to suit your taste. Just be sure to use high-quality salt for the best flavor.

What Type of Salt Should You Use for Coffee

The best type of salt to use for coffee is high-quality sea salt or Himalayan salt. These types of salt have a higher mineral content than other types of salt, which will give your coffee a more complex flavor. Additionally, Alton Brown, a famous cookbook author recommends using kosher salt in coffee.

Can You Add Salt to Coffee if on a Low-Sodium Diet

If you’re on a low-sodium diet, you should speak with your doctor before adding salt to your coffee. Adding even a small amount of salt to your diet can increase your sodium intake.

Can Salt Reduce Bitterness in an Over-Extracted Coffee

Salt can help to reduce the bitterness in an over-extracted coffee by binding to some of the tannins and making them less available for tasting. This will not eliminate the bitterness, but it may help to make it more tolerable.


So, what’s the verdict? Should you put salt in your coffee or not? Ultimately, that decision is up to you! Just remember to start with a very small amount (we’re talking just a few grains here), as it’s very easy to overdo it with salt and ruin an otherwise perfectly good cup of java! And if you’re still not sure whether or not to add salt to your morning brew, why not experiment with different types and amounts until you find what works best for you?

Linda K.
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