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Discovering the Richness of Breve Coffee

Discovering the Richness of Breve Coffee

What is a Breve Coffee 

Breve coffee (or Caffe Breve) is an espresso-based drink made with half-and-half instead of milk. It is also called a “breve latte” or a “latte breve.” 

Half-and-half is a mixture of milk and cream. It is used in coffee to create a richer, more flavorful drink. Breve coffee originated in Italy and is now popular in the United States.

Brewing breve coffee is similar to making a regular latte. Breve coffee is rich and creamy, and the half-and-half gives it a slightly sweet flavor. It is a good choice for those who do not like their coffee too bitter or too sweet. Breve coffee is also a good option for those who are looking for a richer, more indulgent coffee drink.

How to make half and half

Half and half is a mixture of milk and cream. It is used in coffee to create a richer, more flavorful drink. To make your own half-and-half, simply combine equal parts milk and cream. For example, if you use one cup of milk, you will also use one cup of cream. Just make sure to stir well to fully combine the two. You can find half and half in the dairy section of your grocery store, or you can make your own at home.

How to Make a Breve 

You will need:

  • 1 shot of espresso
  • 1/2 cup of steamed half-and-half
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional)
  • Espresso Machine


  • Start by brewing a shot of espresso. You can use an espresso machine or a stovetop espresso maker.
  • While your espresso is brewing, it’s time to heat the half-and-half. You can do this with the steam wand on your espresso machine if you have one, or you can gently heat it in a saucepan on the stove. Be careful not to let it boil.
  • Once your half-and-half is hot, pour it into your coffee cup.
  • Now add the freshly brewed shot of espresso to the cup with the heated half-and-half.
  • If you like your coffee sweet, feel free to add sugar or another sweetener to taste.
  • Give everything a good stir, and voila! You’ve made a creamy and delicious Breve coffee.

Tips for making a perfect breve coffee

  1. When making a breve, it is important to use fresh, cold milk for the best results.
  2. You should froth the milk properly to create a rich and creamy texture. You should heat the half and half to between 135-145 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. It is also important to use a good quality espresso for the breve. A dark roast coffee will give the drink a richer flavor, while a lighter roast will result in a more mellow taste.
  4. If you want to add sweetness to your breve, you can use sugar, honey, or syrup. You can also add flavorings, such as vanilla or chocolate
  5. The key to making a perfect breve is to achieve the right balance of coffee and milk. Too much espresso will make the drink bitter, while too much milk will make it overly sweet.

The different types of breves

There are many different types of breves, each with its own unique flavor.

Some of the most popular types of breves include:

Mocha Breve: Is a delightful blend of espresso, steamed half-and-half, and a touch of chocolate sauce.

Vanilla Breve: You’d brew a shot of espresso, steam some half-and-half, and add a dash of vanilla syrup for that sweet, aromatic flavor.

Hazelnut Breve: To make a hazelnut breve, you should brew espresso, steamed half-and-half, and add hazelnut syrup or extract.

Caramel Breve: Is a sweet treat made with espresso, steamed half-and-half, and a generous drizzle of caramel syrup.

Cinnamon Breve: A cinnamon breve is made with espresso, steamed half-and-half, and cinnamon. It can also be made with cinnamon syrup or extract.

Irish Breve: An Irish breve is made with espresso, steamed half-and-half, and Irish cream liqueur.

What are the Benefits of Drinking Breve Coffee

Breve coffee is a great way to start your day as it provides you with a boost of energy. The caffeine in the espresso will help to wake you up, while the milk and sugar will give you sustained energy.

It is also a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important for maintaining good health as they help to protect your cells from damage.

What are the Drawbacks of Drinking a Breve Coffee 

The main drawback of drinking a breve is that it is high in calories. If you are watching your weight, or if you are trying to cut down on saturated fat, then you should limit your intake of breves.

Like all coffee beverages, a Breve Coffee contains caffeine, which can lead to negative side effects such as anxiety, insomnia, and increased heart rate if consumed excessively.

What is the Difference Between a Latte and a Breve

The main difference between a latte and a breve is the type of milk used. A latte is made with steamed milk, while a breve is made with steamed half and half. Half and half is a mixture of milk and heavy cream, which makes it richer and creamier than steamed milk.


Can You Make a Breve with Any Type of Coffee 

Yes, you can make a breve with any type of coffee. However, espresso is the most commonly used type of coffee as it has a strong flavor that pairs well with the milk and sugar in the drink.

Can You Make Breve Coffee Without an Espresso Machine

Yes, you can make breve without an espresso machine. You can brew a strong cup of coffee using a French press or stovetop coffee maker. 

Can You Make Iced Breve Coffee

Yes, you can make an iced breve. Simply brew a strong cup of coffee, add milk and sugar to taste, and pour over ice. You can also add flavored syrups or liqueurs to make different variations of iced breve.


Breve coffee is a rich and creamy coffee drink made with espresso and steamed half and a half. Breve coffee is a good source of antioxidants. There are many variations of breve coffee that can be made by changing the ratio of espresso to half and half or by adding different flavors to the drink.

Linda K.
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