Top 3 French Press Coffee Filters for a Perfect Brew

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French Press coffee is a popular brewing method that involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water and then gently pressing them down with a plunger to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds. It is a simple and affordable way to make a rich and flavorful cup of coffee, which has made it a favorite among coffee lovers.

However, the quality of the coffee produced by a French Press depends heavily on the quality of the filter used. A good filter is essential for trapping coffee particles and preventing them from entering the brewed coffee. This creates a smooth and clean cup of coffee with no grit or sediment.

On the other hand, a poor-quality filter can result in coffee that is cloudy, gritty, and bitter. It can also be difficult to clean, leading to a build-up of coffee oils and residue that can negatively impact the taste of the coffee. Therefore, choosing the right French Press coffee filter is crucial for a consistently delicious cup of coffee.

Types of French Press Coffee Filters

Metal Filters

A metal filter is a type of filter that is typically made of stainless steel or other metals. It allows water to pass through while trapping coffee grounds. Metal filters are reusable and can last for years with proper care.


  • Durable and reusable
  • Often have a mesh or screen design that allows for full immersion of coffee grounds
  • Eco-friendly
  • Can last for years with proper care


  • Can allow some fine coffee particles to pass through, resulting in a slightly gritty texture in the coffee
  • Can be difficult to clean and may require extra effort to remove coffee oils and residue

Paper Filters

A paper filter is a disposable filter that is made of paper and is typically shaped like a cone or cylinder. It traps coffee grounds while allowing water to pass through and produces a clean and smooth cup of coffee. Paper filters are easy to use and dispose of, but they are not reusable and can add an additional cost to the brewing process.


  • Offer the best filtration, resulting in a clean and smooth cup of coffee
  • Easy to use and dispose of


  • Not reusable
  • Can add an additional cost to the brewing process
  • Can impart a papery taste to the coffee if not rinsed properly

Mesh Filters

A mesh filter is a type of filter that is usually made of plastic and has a fine mesh that allows water to pass through while trapping coffee grounds. Mesh filters can be reusable and easy to clean, and they offer a balance of filtration and immersion compared to metal and paper filters.


  • Easy to clean and reusable
  • Can produce a fuller-bodied coffee with more grit than paper filters


  • May allow some fine coffee particles to pass through

Below is the list of best French press filters

Boao 6 French Press replacement Mesh filters

These filters are designed to fit 1000 ml, 34 oz, 8 cup French Press coffee makers and tea machines, making them a versatile option for those who enjoy a different brewing method for both coffee and tea. 

The mesh design of the filters helps to filter out coffee grounds or tea leaves, resulting in a smoother and cleaner cup of coffee or tea. This is especially important for those who value the taste and aroma of their coffee or tea, as it allows them to enjoy a rich and flavorful cup without any unwanted particles.

One of the key benefits of the Boao replacement filters is their sturdiness and durability. According to user reviews, the outside edge is well rolled over and flattened with no sharp wires poking, and the inside hole is clamped in a metal reinforced ring. 

This ensures that the filters will last for a long time, even with frequent use. Made of 304 stainless steel, they are resistant to rust and corrosion, and can withstand high temperatures without degrading or losing their shape.

Another benefit of the Boao replacement filters is their eco-friendliness. As they are reusable, they are a more sustainable alternative to disposable paper filters. This not only reduces waste, but also saves money in the long run. The filters can be easily washed and reused multiple times, making them a practical, easy clean and cost-effective option for those who brew coffee or tea on a regular basis.

What we like

  • Made of 304 stainless steel for sturdiness and durability
  • The filters are reusable and can be washed and reused multiple times, making them an eco-friendly alternative to disposable paper filters
  • Boao French press replacement mesh filters are generally affordable, making them a good choice for those on a budget

What we don’t like

  • Some users have reported that the filters do not fit their French press as well as they had hoped, leading to leaks or other issues

Bodum 01-1508-16-612 Replacement Part Filter Plate

The replacement stainless steel filter mesh for all-glass Bodum French Press coffee makers is a practical and high-quality option for those looking to replace their worn or damaged filter mesh. 

It is also compatible with Bodum Brazil and Chambord line French Press models, it is made of high-quality stainless steel, which ensures durability and resistance to rust and corrosion.

One of the benefits of the Bodum replacement filter mesh is its versatility. It fits both the 17 oz (4 cup) and 34 oz (8 cup) models of Bodum French Press coffee makers. This makes it a practical replacement option for those who own multiple Bodum coffee makers, as it eliminates the need to purchase different replacement filters for different models.

What we like

  • Made of high-quality stainless steel, which makes it durable and long-lasting
  • Designed to fit 17-ounce or 34-ounce Bodum French press coffee makers
  • Easy to install and remove from the French press

What we don’t like

  • Expensive 

IMPRESA Disposable French Press Filter Bags

These bags are made of double-sealed food-grade polymer, which allows oil and acid from the coffee beans to pass through while keeping sediment and coffee grounds out of the cup. The result is a smooth and flavorful cup of coffee without any unwanted particles or sediment.

One of the benefits of the IMPRESA Disposable French Press Filter Bags is their simplicity and ease of use. Simply add ground coffee to the filter bag, place it in the French Press, and add hot water to brew. Once the brewing is complete, remove the filter bag and discard it. This eliminates the need for cleaning and maintenance, making it a practical and time-saving option for busy coffee enthusiasts.

The filter bags are also designed to withstand the heat and pressure of the French Press, making them suitable for both hot and cold brewed coffee. The high-quality food-grade polymer construction is also biodegradable, making it an eco-friendly option for coffee enthusiasts who are looking to reduce their environmental impact.

What we like

  • Practical and convenient alternative to metal mesh filters, eliminating the need for cleaning and maintenance
  • Excellent filtration, resulting in a smooth and clean cup of coffee without any unwanted particles or sediment
  • Biodegradable and eco-friendly construction, making them a sustainable choice for coffee enthusiasts who are looking to reduce their environmental impact

What we don’t like

  • May add an additional cost to the brewing process compared to metal mesh filters

Factors to consider when filter for French Press

Size and Compatibility: Ensure that the filter is the right size and shape to fit your French Press. Not all filters will be compatible with all French Press models, so it’s important to check the manufacturer’s specifications before purchasing.

Material: Consider the material of the filter, as this can affect the taste of the coffee. Metal filters tend to allow more oils and fine coffee particles to pass through, resulting in a fuller-bodied coffee with more grit, while paper filters offer a clean and smooth cup of coffee. Mesh filters offer a balance of both, but may come with a higher price tag.

Ease of Cleaning: Consider the ease of cleaning and maintenance, as this can impact the lifespan and performance of the filter. Some filters may be easier to clean than others, and some may require more frequent cleaning to prevent a buildup of coffee oils and residue.

Can you use paper filters with a French Press

Yes, it is possible to use paper filters with a French press coffee maker. There are several ways to do this, including inserting a disposable paper filter into the French press jar or cutting down a paper filter to fit with the metal filter and using it to plunge or pouring French press coffee through a paper filter after brewing. Using paper filters can result in a cleaner cup of coffee without sludge or oils, but it may also alter the taste and aroma of the coffee.

Final Verdict

Choosing the right French Press coffee filter is crucial for a consistently delicious cup of coffee. While metal filters are durable and mesh filters offer a balance of filtration and immersion, paper filters provide the best filtration for a clean and smooth cup of coffee. The debate over whether or not to use paper filters with a French press ultimately comes down to personal preference.

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