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How to Make Espresso with Instant Coffee

How to Make Espresso with Instant Coffee

Image Description: A cup of latte with a heart-shaped design in the foam sits on a saucer next to a packet of instant espresso coffee. The packet is black with gold lettering and has a transparent window showing coffee beans. The overall image suggests the convenience of instant coffee and its ability to create barista-quality drinks.

Learning how to make espresso with instant coffee is a simple way to enjoy bold, rich coffee without an espresso machine. While it’s true that instant coffee won’t match the exact flavor of espresso made with finely ground beans under high pressure, you can still create a strong, concentrated cup that mimics an espresso shot. This guide will walk you through how to make an espresso-like drink using instant coffee, plus some fun variations to enhance your coffee game!

What You’ll Need

  • Instant Coffee Powder: Choose a high-quality brand like NESCAFÉ Gold or Starbucks VIA. The better the coffee, the better your espresso will taste!
  • Hot Water: You’ll need water that’s hot but not boiling—ideally around 200°F (93°C). This helps the coffee dissolve properly and gives a smoother flavor.
  • Espresso Cup or Mug: Since we’re mimicking an espresso shot, a smaller cup works best.

Optional Add-ins (because who doesn’t love customizing their coffee?):

  • Milk or Cream
  • Sugar, Honey, or Flavored Syrups
  • Whipped Cream (if you’re feeling fancy)

Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Make Espresso with Instant Coffee

1. Measure the Instant Coffee

How much instant coffee to use for espresso? This image shows that 2 teaspoons of instant coffee can create a standard strength, while 4 teaspoons result in a stronger espresso boost, helping you learn how to make espresso with instant coffee."

Let’s start with the coffee. For a single shot of espresso, use 2 teaspoons of instant coffee. If you’re craving a stronger boost, go for a double shot and use 4 teaspoons. This is where you can play around with the strength—some people prefer a more intense flavor, so don’t be afraid to adjust the amount to your liking.

2. Heat the Water

Diagram showing the optimal temperature for instant coffee at 200°F (93°C), which prevents bitterness and ensures proper dissolution. It also highlights the effects of temperature, including balanced flavor and boiling water considerations when making espresso with instant coffee."

Next, boil some water, but don’t pour it in just yet. Let it cool for about 30 seconds. You want the temperature to be around 200°F (93°C), which is slightly below boiling. Why? Super hot, boiling water can make instant coffee taste bitter. The right temperature ensures the coffee dissolves well and creates a balanced flavor.

3. Combine Coffee and Water

Step-by-step process of making espresso with instant coffee: place instant coffee in a cup, pour hot water over it, stir vigorously for 30 seconds to dissolve the coffee granules, and create foam similar to espresso's crema.

Now, place the instant coffee in your cup. Pour 30 ml (about 2 tablespoons) of hot water for a single shot or 60 ml (about 4 tablespoons) for a double shot over the coffee. Stir vigorously with a spoon or whisk for about 30 seconds. This helps the coffee granules dissolve completely and even creates a bit of foam, similar to espresso’s signature crema!

4. Adjust to Taste

Graphic showing ways to adjust an espresso shot. Suggestions include adding hot water to mellow out strength, stirring in sugar, honey, or syrup to sweeten, and adding milk or cream to make it creamier.

Here’s the fun part—customizing it! Taste your espresso shot. Is it too strong. You can add a bit of hot water to mellow it out. Want to sweeten things up. Stir in some sugar, honey, or your favorite flavored syrup (vanilla and caramel are great options). If you prefer a creamier texture, add a splash of milk or cream.

5. Serve and Enjoy

A graphic with two options: "Sip as is" (represented by a simple cup icon) and "Use as base" (represented by a cup with a handle). The text "Enjoy or Enhance?" is positioned above the options, while the phrases "Quick coffee fix" and "Create new drinks" are below the corresponding icons. The overall image suggests the versatility of instant coffee, which can be enjoyed on its own or used as a foundation for more complex beverages.

Your espresso-like shot is now ready to sip. You can enjoy it as is for a quick and intense coffee fix or use it as the base for other coffee drinks like a latte or Americano.

Tips for the Best Instant Espresso

  • Quality Matters: The quality of the instant coffee you choose makes a big difference. Brands like NESCAFÉ Gold, Starbucks VIA, or Mount Hagen are known for delivering richer, bolder flavors that come closer to a real espresso experience.
  • Experiment with Ratios: If you like your espresso on the stronger side, don’t hesitate to add an extra teaspoon of coffee. On the flip side, if you find it too intense, add a bit more water. It’s all about finding the balance that works for you.
  • Add a Twist: Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon or cocoa powder into the mix for an extra layer of flavor. You can also top your espresso with a dollop of whipped cream for a touch of indulgence.
  • Froth Like a Pro: If you’re a fan of lattes, try frothing some milk to add a creamy texture to your drink.

Variations on Instant Espresso

 A cup of latte with a heart-shaped design in the foam sits on a saucer, which is placed on a wooden coaster. The cup is brown with a gold band around the rim. The background is a simple white surface.

Here are a few fun ways to switch things up and turn your instant espresso into something even more special:

Iced Instant Espresso

Follow the same steps to make your instant espresso, then pour it over ice. Add cold milk or cream, and you’ve got yourself an iced latte. It’s ideal for hot days when you still need your caffeine fix.

Espresso Con Panna

This one’s a simple, decadent treat. Just top your instant espresso with whipped cream for a creamy, rich delight. It’s a quick way to add a touch of luxury to your coffee break.

Mocha Instant Espresso

Add a teaspoon of cocoa powder or a squirt of chocolate syrup to your instant espresso before adding the water. Stir well, and you’ve got a mocha that satisfies both your coffee and chocolate cravings.

Espresso Martini

Take your instant espresso to the next level by making a cocktail. Combine it with vodka and coffee liqueur for a quick, delicious espresso martini—perfect for a quiet evening or when you’re hosting guests.


Now that you know how to make espresso with instant coffee, you can enjoy a concentrated, bold coffee anytime. Whether you’re in a rush or just don’t have access to fancy equipment, this method lets you enjoy a strong, concentrated coffee whenever you want. And with so many ways to customize your drink—from adding flavored syrups to making iced versions—you can easily adjust it to suit your mood and taste.

Give this method a try and start experimenting with different add-ins and ratios. Who knows, you might just discover your new favorite way to drink coffee! And if you’re curious about other coffee creations, check out our recipes for How to Make Cappuccino at Home. Happy brewing!


Can I make instant coffee taste like real espresso?

While instant coffee can mimic the strong flavor of espresso, it won’t have the exact richness or crema that comes from using an espresso machine. However, by using high-quality instant coffee and adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio, you can get a bold, espresso-like flavor.

What is the best instant coffee for making espresso shots?

Premium instant coffee brands like NESCAFÉ Gold, Starbucks VIA, and Mount Hagen are popular choices for making strong, flavorful coffee that closely resembles espresso.

Can I froth milk for an instant coffee latte without a frother?

Yes! You can froth milk without a frother by heating it and shaking it vigorously in a jar with a lid. You can also use a whisk or a French press to create froth at home.

How much instant coffee should I use for a double shot?

For a double shot of espresso-like coffee, use 4 teaspoons of instant coffee mixed with 60 ml (about 4 tablespoons) of hot water.

Can I make an iced espresso with instant coffee?

Absolutely! Prepare your instant espresso as usual, let it cool slightly, and then pour it over ice. Add cold milk or cream if you prefer an iced latte.

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