Buyer’s Guide: Finding the 9 Best Coffee for French Press

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What is French Press Coffee

French press coffee is a method of making coffee where ground beans are placed in a carafe combined with hot water and then pressed down with a plunger. This process produces a unique cup of coffee that has more flavor and body than traditional drip coffee, as it extracts all the essential oils from the grounds.

Below is the List of Best Coffee for French Press

Verena Street Decaf Whole Bean – Medium Roast


  • 100% Arabica beans
  • Available in different sizes
  • Certified Rainforest and Kosher
  • Medium Roast


Verena Street 2 Pound Whole Bean, Swiss Water Process Decaf

The Sunday Drive decaf is a blend of beans from Rainforest Alliance-certified farms that has been slow-roasted to perfection, creating a medium roast coffee with a rich, full-bodied flavor.

The beans are decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Process. The Swiss Water Process is a gentle, natural and effective method of decaffeinating coffee that removes 99.9% of the caffeine while preserving the coffee’s unique flavor profile.

The Swiss Water Process uses water to remove caffeine, rather than using harmful chemicals. This natural process is more costly than alternative procedures, but it guarantees the same quality, taste, and aroma that you expect from fully caffeinated coffee.

These beans are Rainforest Alliance Certified ensuring that they were grown in an environmentally sustainable way.

When brewed, this coffee has a rich aroma with hints of chocolate and caramel. The flavor is smooth and well-balanced, with no bitterness. Enjoy the taste of fresh-brewed coffee without the caffeine jitters.

Koffee Kult Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee 


  • 100% Arabica beans
  • Available in different sizes
  • Diet Type – gluten-free


Koffee Kult Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee - Small Batch

This coffee is slow roasted to perfection delivering a deep, dark flavor that will leave you craving more. Sourced from only the finest beans, this dark roast is crafted with 100% Arabica beans for a smooth and rich flavor.

Full-bodied with a smooth finish and no bitterness or acidity, this dark roast is perfect for those who enjoy intense coffee experiences.

The company, based in the United States, sources its coffee beans from Colombia, Guatemala, Brazil, and Sumatra. The beans are roasted in an artisanal way and are organically sourced, ensuring no harmful pesticides or chemicals are used.

The resealable bag features a one-way valve to keep the coffee beans fresh. For optimal flavor, the company recommends storing the coffee beans in an airtight container in a cool and dry place. Koffee Kult stands by its products, offering a satisfaction guarantee and priding itself on delivering a high-quality coffee experience.

San Francisco Bay Coffee Fog Chaser Whole Bean


  • 100% Arabica beans
  • Medium dark roast
  • Available in different sizes
  • Certified kosher


San Francisco Bay Whole Bean Coffee - Fog Chaser (2lb

This is a medium dark roast coffee that is made with 100% Arabica beans from Central and South America. The beans are hand-picked, sustainably grown, and certified kosher. They are roasted and packaged in the USA by a family-owned company that has a rich tradition and a satisfaction guarantee.

The Fog Chaser is a blend of dark and medium roasted beans that results in a flavorful, balanced, and smooth coffee.With hints of milk chocolate, toffee, and sweet mandarin, this coffee is neither overly bitter nor acidic. Instead, it offers a full-bodied, well-rounded experience. Ideal for any time, it’s especially perfect in the morning to refresh your mind and invigorate your body.

The resealable bag featuring a one-way valve is a practical touch that ensures the longevity of the coffee’s freshness. San Francisco Bay Coffee demonstrates an understanding of the importance of preserving the quality of the beans from the initial scoop to the last.

Lavazza Super Crema Whole Bean Coffee Blend, Medium Espresso Roast


  • 100% Arabica & Robusta beans
  • It is best suited for espresso machines, but can also be used for other brewing


Lavazza Super Crema Whole Bean Coffee Blend, Medium Espresso Roast,

Lavazza is a family-owned company that has been roasting coffee in Italy since 1895. They are known for their quality and innovation, as well as their passion and tradition.

One of their best-selling products is the Lavazza Super Crema Whole Bean Coffee Blend, Medium Espresso Roast. This is a coffee blend that combines 60% Arabica and 40% Robusta beans from Central and South America, Indonesia and Vietnam. The beans are roasted to a medium level, creating a coffee that has a full body and a harmonious taste.

The Lavazza Super Crema has a smooth and creamy flavor, with notes of roasted hazelnut and brown sugar. It avoids excessive bitterness or acidity, opting for a well-balanced and gratifying taste. Ideal for crafting espresso, cappuccino, latte, or any milk-based coffee, it also suits alternative brewing methods like drip, French press, or moka pot.

Many customers have praised the Lavazza Super Crema for its quality and flavor. They have described it as rich, smooth, delicious, and consistent. They have also appreciated the freshness and aroma of the beans, as well as the reasonable price and the fast delivery. Some customers have noted that the coffee is not very strong or dark, and that it may not suit those who prefer a more intense or robust coffee.

Stumptown Coffee Roasters, French Roast Organic Whole Bean Coffee


  • Certified USDA Organic
  • French Roast’
  • Direct Trade


Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Dark Roast Organic Whole Bean Coffee -

Stumptown Coffee Roasters is a popular coffee roaster known for its organic, specialty coffees. The company was founded in 1999 in Portland, Oregon, and today has coffee shops in several major US cities.

Stumptown’s coffees are typically roasted on the darker side, and the French Roast is no exception. This coffee has intense flavor notes of clove and bittersweet chocolate, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy a bold cup of coffee.

The organic beans used to make this coffee are sourced from Central, South America, and East Africa. In addition, the beans are certified organic, ensuring that they were grown in an environmentally sustainable way.

The Death Wish Coffee Grounds – Dark Roast


  • Blend of Arabica and Robusta beans
  • Dark Roast
  • High Caffeine


Death Wish Coffee Co., Organic and Fair Trade Dark Roast

It’s known as the “World’s Strongest Coffee,” and its high caffeine content is a major selling point for those who need an extra boost in the morning. Death Wish Coffee Dark Roast Grounds are made from a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans, giving it a bold flavor that is sure to wake you up in the morning.

The beans are roasted to perfect darkness, resulting in a cup of coffee that is strong and full-bodied. Add a little milk or cream and you have a delicious cup of coffee that will give you the energy you need to get through the day. Death Wish Coffee is also Fair Trade and USDA Organic certified, so you can be confident that you are drinking a quality cup of coffee.

Gevalia Decaf House Blend – Medium Roast


  • 100% Arabica
  • Decaf Coffee
  • Medium Roast
  • Ground Coffee


Gevalia Decaf House Blend Medium Roast Ground Coffee (20 oz

Gevalia House Blend is a medium roast coffee with a rich and well-balanced flavor. The coffee is made with 100% Arabica beans that are slow roasted to bring out the subtle nuances of flavor.

Gevalia House Blend has a pleasant acidity balanced with notes of chocolate and a touch of sweetness. The coffee is smooth and easy to drink, making it a great choice for any time of day.

Gevalia’s decaffeination process is called “Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Decaffeination”, which uses natural carbon dioxide to remove the caffeine. The process of decaffeination using carbon dioxide under high pressure selectively removes the caffeine from unroasted coffee beans while preserving all of their flavors.

Gevalia’s commitment to quality guarantees that you’ll have a delicious cup of coffee every time. It’s also perfect if you’re looking for the best coarse ground coffee.

Don Francisco Kona Blend – Medium Roast


  • Recyclable bags
  • Medium roast


Don Francisco's Kona Blend, Medium Roast, Whole Bean Coffee, 100%

Don Francisco’s Kona Blend is a medium roast coffee made with Arabica beans and 10% Kona beans. The coffee is grown in Hawaii, on the slopes of active volcanoes. 

The volcanic soil is rich in minerals and provides ideal growing conditions for coffee trees The resulting coffee has a rich, full-bodied flavor with notes of chocolate, caramel, and nuts. It is perfect for those who enjoy a bolder cup of coffee.

The Kona beans come in a nitrogen-flushed vacuum-sealed bag that keeps the beans fresher for longer. There is a valve on the packaging that allows you to reseal it after initially opening it.

Kicking Ass – Smart Ass- medium roast


  • 100% Arabica beans
  • Recyclable packaging
  • Low acidity level
  • Medium roast coffee.
  • Organic certified


Kicking Horse Coffee, Smart Ass, Medium Roast, Ground,Certified Organic, Fairtrade,

Kicking Ass – Smart Ass Coffee is a medium roast made from 100% Arabica beans. The coffee is roasted in Canada, and the beans are ethically sourced from Africa, Central and South America.

It has an intense and complex flavor with notes of Tart red currant, notes of sugar cane and milk chocolate. The coffee has a full body that lingers on the palate for a long time after drinking it.

It’s perfect for those who need an extra boost of energy in the morning or for an afternoon pick-me-up. Kicking Ass – Smart Ass also has a low acidity level, making it easy on the stomach and ideal for those who suffer from heartburn or other digestive issues.

The packaging is made from recyclable materials and comes with a valve that allows you to reseal it after opening it.

List Factors to Consider When Selecting the Coffee for French Press

The type of coffee bean

There are two main types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are generally considered to be of higher quality, as they are more delicate and have a more complex flavor. Robusta beans, on the other hand, are hardier and have a more bitter flavor. When choosing a coffee for French press, it is important to consider the type of bean that you prefer.

The origin of the coffee bean

Coffee beans are grown in many different countries around the world. Each country has its unique climate and soil conditions, which can impact the flavor of the coffee. When choosing a coffee for the French press, it is important to consider the country of origin and whether or not you think it will impact the flavor of the coffee.

The roast of the coffee bean

When it comes to choosing the right roast for your French press, you’ll want to go for a darker roast. This will help to bring out the bold flavors of the coffee and create a richer cup of coffee.

The type of roast you choose for your French press will affect the taste and strength of your coffee. Light roasts tend to have more acidity, while dark roasts produce a stronger cup of coffee.

The grind size of the coffee bean

The grind size of the coffee beans can also impact the flavor and strength of the cup of coffee. For the French press, it is best to use a medium coarse grind. A finer grind will result in over-extraction, while a coarser grind can lead to under-extraction. It is important to consider the grind size when selecting coffee for the French press.

The freshness of the coffee bean

Coffee beans start to lose their freshness soon after they are roasted. For this reason, it is important to choose a coffee that has been roasted relatively recently. When choosing a coffee for the French press, it is important to consider how fresh the beans are and whether or not you think it will impact the flavor of the coffee.

Single origin or blend

When selecting coffee for the French press, you can choose either single origin or blend. Single-origin coffees are made from beans that originated in a specific country, while blends are created by combining different types of beans from multiple countries. Each type has its own unique characteristics and flavors, so it is important to consider which one best suit your tastes before making a final decision.

The type of milk or cream you use

If you are using milk or cream in your coffee, it is important to consider what type of milk or cream you are using. The fat content and sweetness of the milk or cream can affect the overall flavor of the coffee. When selecting a coffee for French press, consider what type of milk or cream you will be using and whether it will impact the taste.

The price of the coffee

Of course, one factor that always needs to be considered when making any purchase is price. Coffee can range in price from very affordable to quite expensive. When choosing a coffee for French press, it is important to consider your budget and find an option that fits within your price range.

The Grinder

When grinding your coffee beans for French press it is important to use a burr grinder with an adjustable coarseness setting and aim for a medium coarse grind. This helps ensure that as much flavor as possible is extracted from the beans when brewing.

Ultimately, what makes French press coffee unique is the flavor and aroma that it produces. The French press method allows for more oils and suspended particles to pass through the filter than other methods, resulting in a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee with intense flavor and aroma. Once you’ve mastered the basics of French press brewing, you’ll be able to enjoy the perfect cup of coffee every time.


Is it Preferable to Use Whole Beans for French Press Coffee

Whole beans remain fresh much longer than pre-ground coffee since the oils and flavors are still intact until you grind them yourself. Pre-ground coffee can lose its flavor quickly because it has come in contact with oxygen for a longer period. Additionally, grinding your own beans will help you achieve the ideal grind size for the French press.

How long should you steep your coffee in the French press

The duration of your coffee steeping in the French press is determined by your desired strength. Steep for approximately four minutes for a milder flavor and extend the steeping time to around six minutes if you prefer a stronger cup of coffee.

What type of milk or cream tastes best with French press coffee

There is no definitive answer when it comes to what milk or cream tastes best with French press coffee. Some people prefer to use whole milk, while others prefer cream or half and half. The important thing is to experiment until you find a milk or cream that suits your tastes.

What is the best coffee for the French press

When looking for the best coffee for the French press, it is important to consider all of the factors mentioned above. You should try a variety of different types of beans, roasts and grind sizes to find the combination that best suits your tastes.

It is also important to select a coffee that is fresh and has been roasted recently. Single-origin or blends are both good options, and you should also consider the milk or cream you will be using. Finally, it is important to make sure you are getting a great deal on the coffee. There are many great options available, so take your time and find the one that is perfect for you.

Final Thoughts

French press coffee is a great way to make an excellent cup of coffee at home. With the right beans, grind size, and technique, you can create a delicious cup of French press every time. Make sure to choose a quality coffee that fits within your budget and preheat the carafe for optimal flavor extraction. 

When in doubt, remember to start with a medium-coarse grind and keep an eye on the clock when waiting for your coffee to steep. Finally, enjoy your French press coffee with your favorite accompaniment – milk, cream, or sugar and you’re ready to go.

Happy brewing!

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