A Critical Look at the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select

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Technivorm Moccamaster has established itself as a leading brand in the world of coffee brewing. Among its stellar lineup of coffee makers, the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select 10-Cup Coffee Maker stands out as a pinnacle of quality and performance. Designed to elevate the coffee experience to new heights, this marvel embodies the perfect fusion of form and function.

In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select, exploring its features, benefits, and the unparalleled brewing experience it offers. Join us as we unravel the artistry behind this exceptional coffee maker and discover why it’s a must-have for discerning coffee enthusiasts everywhere.

Understanding the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select

With a rich history dating back to 1964, Technivorm Moccamaster has been synonymous with quality and innovation in the world of coffee brewing. Renowned for their attention to detail and commitment to excellence, Technivorm Moccamaster has earned a reputation as a trusted name among coffee enthusiasts worldwide.

Features of the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select

SCA-certified Home Brewer

An SCA-certified home brewer means that the coffee maker has been rigorously tested and approved by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). This certification ensures that the coffee maker meets specific standards set by the SCA for factors like water temperature, brewing time, and coffee quality. Essentially, it’s a stamp of approval indicating that the coffee maker is capable of producing exceptional coffee at home.


The Technivorm Moccamaster KBGV Select comes with a hot plate that maintains your coffee at an ideal temperature range of 175 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the amount you’ve brewed. It’s designed with a separate heating element from the boiler to ensure consistent heat distribution, resulting in perfectly heated coffee with every pour. Plus, for added convenience and energy efficiency, the hot plate automatically shuts off after 100 minutes.

Selector Switch

The selector switch on the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select is a versatile feature that enhances your brewing experience. It enables you to choose between brewing a full 40-ounce carafe or a half carafe of coffee, ensuring you can brew just the right amount for any occasion.

Moreover, this switch goes beyond simple size selection; it automatically adjusts the brewing parameters based on your choice. When brewing a half carafe, it extends the brew time for thorough extraction, resulting in a rich and flavorful cup. Additionally, it regulates the hotplate temperature to keep the coffee at its optimal flavor profile, whether you’re brewing a full or half carafe. This attention to detail ensures that every cup of coffee from the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select is brewed to perfection, tailored precisely to your preferences.

Dual Heating Elements

The Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select coffee maker is equipped with two distinct heating elements, a hallmark feature enabled by its innovative copper heating element design. These elements serve specific functions to ensure the machine’s exceptional performance.

The primary heating element, situated within the boiler, diligently elevates the water temperature to the precise range required for brewing perfection, typically between 196°F and 205°F. Crafted from copper, this element guarantees uniform heat dispersion, promoting efficient brewing and consistent flavor extraction.

Conversely, the hotplate boasts its dedicated heating element, designed to uphold the brewed coffee at the ideal serving temperature, typically ranging from 175°F to 185°F. This separate element operationally distinguishes itself from the boiler’s function, ensuring that each cup poured from the carafe retains its optimal taste profile and warmth.

Replaceable Parts for Long-lasting Performance

The Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select coffee maker distinguishes itself with its incorporation of replaceable parts, a feature aimed at facilitating repairs and extending the machine’s lifespan. Unlike many coffee makers that require replacing the entire appliance when a part malfunctions, the Moccamaster offers a more cost-effective and sustainable solution. 

Technivorm’s comprehensive selection suggests that many key components can be replaced if necessary. However, it’s essential to consider the complexity of repairs; while some part replacements may be straightforward, others may require technical expertise or professional assistance.

Filter Basket

Consider using disposable paper filters, the most common choice for Moccamaster users. Technivorm recommends size #4 paper coffee filters for optimal performance, offering convenience as they are easy to use and dispose of after each brew.

Alternatively, opt for reusable metal filters, crafted from stainless steel, for an eco-friendlier option. These filters fit into the #4 cone-shaped filter baskets, though some users caution that they may allow more coffee grounds to pass through, potentially affecting taste.

Moreover, the Moccamaster basket features an automatic drip-stop mechanism, ensuring the flow of coffee automatically halts when the carafe is removed during brewing, preventing spills and messes.

Glass Carafe

The Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select coffee maker comes with a glass carafe. This carafe is designed to work seamlessly with the coffee maker. The good news is that glass carafes are typically replaceable parts. If your carafe breaks, you can usually purchase a replacement directly from Technivorm or through authorized retailers.


It comes in a wide variety of colors, offering you a choice to match your kitchen décor or personal style. 

Spray Arm

The showerhead evenly disperses hot water over the coffee grounds in the filter basket, ensuring uniform saturation and extraction, resulting in a well-balanced and flavorful cup of coffee. Although the spray arm doesn’t cover the entire diameter of the basket, some users choose to gently stir the coffee grounds with a spoon to ensure they all get wet. However, this step is optional and only recommended for those seeking an enhanced coffee experience, as it may produce a more satisfying cup of coffee.


The Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select coffee maker boasts an industry-leading 5-year warranty. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship that exist at the time of manufacture and appear within five years of the purchase date for a new brewer

Brewing Delicious Coffee with Your Technivorm Moccamaster KBGV Select: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Technivorm Moccamaster KBGV Select is known for its ease of use and ability to brew a consistently flavorful cup of coffee. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to get you started:

Before You Begin

Make sure you have everything you need: fresh, cold water, coffee grounds appropriate for your chosen brew size, #4 cone filters (disposable or reusable), and your coffee mugs.


  • Fill the water reservoir with fresh, cold water to your desired level. The carafe markings will help you determine the amount of water needed for a full or half pot of coffee. Utilize the selector switch for your chosen brew size
  • Place a #4 cone filter in the filter basket. If using a disposable filter, unfold it to fit the basket shape. For a reusable filter, pre-rinse it with water to remove any metallic taste and ensure proper fit
  • Add your coffee grounds to the filter. Adjust the amount based on your taste preference and coffee strength
  • Ensure the carafe lid is securely placed on the carafe
  • Place the carafe on the hotplate, aligning it with the outlet arm from the filter basket
  • Turn the power switch to the “ON” position. The brewing process will begin automatically
  • The copper heating element will rapidly heat the water to the optimal brewing temperature (around 196°F to 205°F)
  • Hot water will rise through the machine and flow over the coffee grounds in the filter basket, ensuring even saturation and extraction. The selector switch will adjust the water flow rate based on your chosen carafe size (full or half pot) for optimal brewing
  • The brewing process typically takes around 4-6 minutes for a full carafe and might be slightly shorter for a half carafe
  • Once brewing is complete, you can safely remove the carafe from the hotplate even while brewing thanks to the auto drip-stop feature. This prevents drips and messes if you need to grab a cup before the entire pot finishes brewing
  • The hotplate will keep your coffee warm for 100 mins before automatically turning off


  • Offers straightforward controls for ease of use
  • Brews coffee quickly, delivering a flavorful cup in under six minutes
  • Backed by a 5-year warranty and lifetime repairs, ensuring long-term reliability
  • SCA Certified, meeting Golden Cup standards for optimal brewing temperature and extraction
  • Operates quietly, minimizing disturbance during brewing
  • Utilizes a copper heating element for quick and consistent water heating
  • Boasts a durable construction with a stainless steel housing, ensuring longevity and reliability.
  • Handmade in the Netherlands with meticulous attention to detail, reflecting superior craftsmanship and quality assurance


  • Some users find the plastic parts to be flimsy
  • Some users may find it challenging to slide the pot in from the side due to its design
  • The brew time is slightly slower when brewing half a pot

Tips for Getting the Best from the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select

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  • Water: Fresh, filtered water is key. Avoid using water that’s been sitting in the carafe, and consider using filtered water for the best taste
  • Filters: Use the right filters and pre-wet them to ensure even saturation of the grounds. Some people prefer bleached filters over unbleached for a cleaner taste
  • Grind: Grind size is crucial. A medium grind is a good starting point, but you may need to adjust based on your coffee and preferences. Experiment to find the sweet spot
  • Coffee: Freshly roasted beans are a must. Grind them just before brewing for the best flavor
  • Coffee to Water Ratio: A good starting point is a 1:16 ratio (1 gram of coffee for every 16 grams of water). This can be adjusted to taste – stronger or weaker
  • The Stir: While the Moccamaster has a spray arm, some coffee enthusiasts recommend giving the grounds a gentle stir midway through the brewing process to ensure even extraction
  • Cleaning: Descale your Moccamaster regularly (usually every 100 brews or so) to prevent buildup and maintain optimal performance. Clean the carafe and filter basket thoroughly after each use
  • Hot Plate: While the carafe will keep your coffee warm for a while, avoid using the hot plate for extended periods as it can burn the coffee

Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select Coffee Maker: Specifications

ModelTechnivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select
TypeDrip Coffee Maker
Brew Capacity40 oz (approx. 10 cups)
Carafe MaterialGlass
Heating ElementDual Copper Heating Elements
HotplateAutomatic shutoff after 100 mins
Temperature ControlMaintains coffee between 175°F – 185°F
Selector SwitchChooses between full pot (40 oz) or half pot brew with automatic adjustments for optimal brewing
Water ReservoirNot removable
Filter Basket#4 Cone-shaped
Filter OptionsDisposable paper filters or reusable metal filters (sold separately)
Automatic Drip-StopPrevents spills when carafe is removed during brewing
Warranty5 years (new brewers), 1 year (refurbished)
ColorsWide variety – Classic Colors, Bold & Modern, Warm & Earthy Tones, Subtle & Elegant, Unique Options
Dimensions6.5″D x 12.75″W x 14″H
WeightApproximately 7 lbs
MaterialHigh-quality, BPA-free materials

Final Thoughts on the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select

The Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select is a standout coffee maker that combines precision engineering with sleek design. Its durable build and attention to detail ensure a reliable brewing experience that consistently delivers delicious coffee.

With just one switch, brewing exceptional coffee becomes effortless. The straightforward design also makes cleaning and maintenance a breeze, ensuring that you can enjoy your coffee without the hassle of complicated upkeep.

While the Technivorm Moccamaster 53941 KBGV Select comes with a higher price tag compared to some other coffee makers on the market, its quality construction, precise brewing capabilities, and delicious results make it well worth the investment for any coffee enthusiast who values consistency and flavor above all else.

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