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7 Best Coffee Grinders for Pour Over Brewing

7 Best Coffee Grinders for Pour Over Brewing


Pour over brewing is a popular coffee brewing method that involves pouring hot water over ground coffee beans, allowing the water to slowly drip through the coffee and into a cup. To make the perfect pour over coffee, you need a high-quality coffee grinder that can produce consistent and precise grinds. In this article, we will be discussing the 7 best coffee grinders for pour over brewing.

Whether you are a coffee enthusiast or a professional barista, these coffee grinders will help you achieve the perfect grind for your pour over coffee. We will cover a range of options to suit your needs and preferences. So, let’s dive in and find the perfect coffee grinder for your pour over brewing needs!

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Coffee Grinder for Pour Over

When it comes to choosing a coffee grinder for pour over, there are several factors to consider. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

Grind Settings

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a coffee grinder for pour over is the grind settings. Different pour over methods require different grind sizes, so it’s important to choose a grinder that offers a wide range of settings. Look for a grinder that allows you to adjust the grind size in small increments, so you can fine-tune the settings to your liking.

Burr vs Blade Grinders

Another important factor to consider is whether to choose a burr or blade grinder. Burr grinders are generally considered to be the best option for pour over, as they produce a more consistent grind size. 

Blade grinders, on the other hand, can produce an uneven, grind consistency, which can lead to a less flavorful cup of coffee. While blade grinders are generally less expensive than burr grinders, we recommend investing in a high-quality burr grinder for the best pour over experience.


The capacity of the grinder is another important factor to consider. If you only make one or two cups of coffee at a time, a smaller grinder may be sufficient. However, if you frequently make large batches of coffee, you’ll want to choose a grinder with a larger capacity. Keep in mind that larger grinders may take up more counter space, so make sure you have enough room in your kitchen.


Finally, price is an important consideration when choosing a coffee grinder for pour over. While it’s tempting to choose the cheapest option available, investing in a high-quality grinder can make a big difference in the flavor of your coffee. Look for a grinder that fits within your budget, but don’t be afraid to spend a little extra for a grinder that will produce a better cup of coffee.

Below is the List of 7 Best Pour-Over Grinders

Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder


  • Grinder type: Automatic
  • Available in black and white
  • Bidirectional on-off switch
  • Front pulse button
  • 40mm hardened stainless steel conical burrs
  • 40 different grind settings
  • Suitable for manual brewing and basic espresso
  • Hopper capacity: ~8oz
  • Grind bin capacity: ~5oz
  • Weight: 3.1kg


Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder - A sleek and efficient grinder for fresh coffee. Durable conical burrs ensure a consistent grind size for the perfect cup.

The Baratza Encore, an electric burr grinder, utilizes conical burrs to achieve uniform coffee particle grinding. The conical burr design, with its expanded grinding surface area, ensures a consistent grind, enhancing the coffee’s flavor profile.

Equipped with 40 grind settings, ranging from fine for espresso to coarse for French press, the Baratza Encore allows versatile particle size adjustments. Altering the grind size is conveniently achieved by turning the hopper, modifying the burrs’ distance.

Featuring a pulse button for precision in small amounts, the grinder incorporates a gear-reduction system that curtails burr speed, preventing heat buildup and preserving coffee flavor.

With an 8-ounce hopper capacity, the Baratza Encore accommodates multiple servings without constant refilling. The easily removable hopper facilitates hassle-free cleaning.

A notable advantage lies in the availability of readily accessible replacement parts, including burrs, hoppers, and motors, directly from the manufacturer. This ensures ease of maintenance for sustained optimal performance.

For users requiring additional capacity, a hopper extension is offered, adding 9 oz. to the existing 8 oz. bean hopper. This extension enhances the Baratza Encore’s versatility, making it suitable for grinding larger coffee batches.

  • Produces consistent grinds for a wide range of brewing methods
  • Offers a wide range of grind settings for different brewing methods
  • Easy-to-use with straightforward controls
  • Features a pulse button for grinding small amounts of coffee or for more precise control over the amount of coffee grounds
  • Produces very consistent grinds
  • Durable and reliable with readily available replacement parts
  • It can be noisy during operation
  • Not the fastest grinder available
  • Relatively expensive compared to other entry-level grinders on the market

OXO Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder


  • Stainless steel conical burrs
  • 15 grind size settings
  • Stainless steel static-fighting container to significantly reduce static and cut down on cleaning
  • Stainless steel conical burrs that create consistent, uniform ground coffee for gold-cup flavor
  • One-touch timer to keep your last setting, so you don’t have to reset it every time
  • High torque, low-speed DC motor
  • 40mm conical stainless-steel burrs
  • Bean hopper that holds 12 ounces of coffee
  • Grounds container that can hold up to 110 grams of coffee


OXO Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder - A sophisticated and user-friendly coffee grinder designed for precision. Equipped with conical burrs, it ensures a consistent grind size, allowing coffee enthusiasts to customize their brew to perfection. The grinder's intuitive interface and durable construction make it an essential tool for achieving a rich and flavorful cup of coffee

The OXO Brew conical burr coffee grinder is an electric grinder designed for consistent and uniform coffee grounds across various brewing methods. With a stainless-steel conical burr grinding mechanism, it ensures precise and even grinding, surpassing other grinder types in performance.

Featuring 15 grind settings, easily adjusted using the front-mounted dial, it accommodates diverse brewing preferences. The grinder boasts a one-touch start timer, adjustable from 0.5 to 30 seconds, providing flexibility based on your coffee quantity needs. The generous 12-ounce coffee bean capacity in the removable hopper facilitates convenience in loading and cleaning.

Setting itself apart, the OXO grinder introduces a lockable hopper, preserving bean freshness and preventing spills. Accessing internal parts for maintenance and cleaning is made simple.

Beyond its functionality, the OXO coffee grinder prioritizes a quiet operation, making it an ideal choice for early morning coffee preparation without disrupting household tranquility.

  • Stainless steel static-fighting container to significantly reduce static and cut down on cleaning
  • 40mm conical stainless-steel burrs to provide consistent and precise grinding performance while also being durable and long-lasting.
  • Simple and intuitive design
  • Inconsistent grinds may occur when using coarse settings.
  • The grinder is noisy and produces an unpleasant whiny sound during operation.

Breville Smart Grinder Pro Coffee Bean Grinder


  • 40mm Stainless steel conical burrs
  • Portafilter Cradles: It includes a portafilter cradle, Small 50-54 mm & Large 58 mm
  • 60 precise grind settings
  • Removable hopper with 16-ounce capacity
  • LCD display with easy-to-use interface
  • Precision electronic timer
  • Locking system
  • Modern and sleek design


Breville Smart Grinder Pro Coffee Bean Grinder - Elevate your coffee experience with this advanced grinder. Featuring precision grinding, customizable settings, and a sleek design, it ensures the perfect grind for your favorite brew. A must-have for coffee aficionados seeking excellence in every cup

The Breville Smart Grinder Pro is a highly precise coffee bean grinder, meticulously designed to cater to coffee enthusiasts seeking the perfect grind. Its stainless steel conical burrs efficiently minimize grinding heat, safeguarding the essential oils within the coffee bean and ensuring a consistently flavorful grind.

With an impressive 60 grind settings, spanning from fine espresso to coarse French press, this grinder allows for customization to match individual brewing methods and taste preferences. The inclusion of a precision electronic timer, adjustable in 0.2-second increments, guarantees an exact coffee quantity for each brew.

A standout feature is the Dosing iQ technology, enabling the programming of specific coffee amounts based on the chosen brewing method—selecting “cups” for French press or filter coffee, and “shots” for espresso. This ensures a precise coffee dose, crucial for a consistently rich and flavorful brew.

The Smart Grinder Pro boasts a user-friendly interface, featuring a large LCD screen displaying selected settings. Easily adjustable knobs for grind amount and size, along with a shots/cups button, facilitate experimentation with different combinations for the perfect cup.

Beyond its precision grinding and customizable settings, the Smart Grinder Pro incorporates practical features. A removable 18-ounce hopper facilitates bean switching and grinder cleaning. The inclusion of a portafilter cradle allows for direct grinding into an espresso machine’s portafilter, ensuring the freshest espresso possible.

  • Precision grinding with stainless steel conical burrs
  • The Breville Smart Grinder Pro has a memory function that allows users to set up their grinder once and it will remember the desired grind size and amount for future use, providing convenience and consistency.
  • Dosing iQ technology for accurate coffee dosing which can lead to less waste and a more consistent cup of coffee.
  • Portafilter cradle for grinding directly into an espresso machine’s portafilter
  • Sleek and modern design
  • Relatively quiet operation
  • Locking system to prevent spills and messes
  • Higher price point compared to some other coffee grinders
  • Some users may find the range of settings overwhelming

KRUPS Precision Grinder Flat Burr


  • The grinder has a sleek and stylish design in black and silver.
  • It can grind coffee beans to the perfect size for a variety of brewing methods, including drip filter, French press, pour-over, and espresso.
  • The grinder offers 12 different grind settings, ranging from fine to coarse, with intermediary settings.
  • The metallic flat burr grinding mechanism provides full control over the grind size, ensuring uniform grinding for full flavor extraction.
  • You can customize the quantity of coffee you want to grind with the 2-12 cup selection settings, which have an auto-stop feature to grind exact quantities.
  • The large 8-ounce whole coffee bean hopper and removable grounds container provide a capacity of 30-32 cups of coffee.
  • The grinder is easy to clean, with a removable top burr that has an embedded cleaning brush.
  • The grinder has one-touch operation, with an on/off button that automatically stops at the end of the grinding cycle.


Krups Precise Stainless Steel Flat Burr Grinder - A durable and efficient coffee grinder designed for precise grinding. With stainless steel flat burrs, it delivers consistent results for a customized coffee experience.

The Krups Precision Grinder is a solid choice for anyone looking for a high-quality burr grinder at an affordable price point. This grinder offers a range of features that make it easy to use and customize to your specific brewing needs.

One of the key features of the Krups Precision Grinder is its flat burr grinding mechanism, which ensures a consistent grind size and optimal flavor extraction. The grinder also offers 12 different grind settings, ranging from very fine grind down to coarse, so you can grind coffee beans for a variety of brewing methods.

The grinder is made of a combination of high-quality metal, giving it a sleek and modern look that will complement any kitchen décor. It is also compact and easy to store, making it a great choice for those with limited counter space.

In addition to its flat burr grinding mechanism and 12 grind settings, the Krups Precision Grinder also features a large bean hopper that can hold up to 8 ounces of coffee beans.

Another feature of the Krups Precision Grinder is its adjustable cup size selector, which allows you to grind coffee for anywhere from 2 to 12 cups of coffee. This makes it easy to customize the amount of coffee you need, depending on your brewing method and the number of people you are serving.

  • Affordable price point
  • Consistent grind size with flat burr grinding mechanism
  • 12 grind settings for a variety of brewing methods
  • Large bean hopper that can hold up to 8 ounces of coffee beans
  • Adjustable cup size selector for customized brewing
  • Compact and easy to store
  • Durable construction and stylish design
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • The grinder offers a decent range of 12 grind settings, but some coffee enthusiasts may find them limited and prefer more options for adjusting the coarseness of their coffee.

Capresso Infinity Conical Burr Grinder


  • Hopper capacity – 11oz
  • Ground coffee capacity – 4oz
  • 16 Grinder Settings
  • Upper conical burr removable for easy cleaning


Capresso Infinity Conical Burr Grinder - Explore precision grinding with this reliable coffee grinder. Equipped with stainless steel burrs, it ensures consistent results for a customized coffee experience. Elevate your brew with the Capresso Infinity Grinder.

The Capresso Infinity Plus Conical Burr Grinder is a coffee grinder that features a conical burr mechanism for consistent and precise grinding. With its 16 different grind settings, this grinder allows you to customize the grind size to your preferred brewing method, from extra-fine for espresso to a coarse grind for French press.

The Capresso Infinity Plus also has a large bean hopper that can hold up to 11 ounces of coffee beans, which is enough for several cups of coffee. Additionally, the grinder has a built-in timer that allows you to set the grinding time for anywhere from 5 to 60 seconds, depending on how much coffee you want to grind.

One of the key features of the Capresso Infinity Plus is its conical burr grinding mechanism, which grinds coffee beans evenly and consistently, resulting in a better-tasting cup of coffee.

Calling the Capresso Infinity Plus “quiet” may not be entirely accurate, as it can still produce a noticeable amount of noise while grinding coffee beans. However, it is important to note that the noise level of the grinder is not excessive and is unlikely to cause discomfort

Another advantage of the Capresso Infinity Plus is its easy-to-clean design. The grinder has a removable upper burr that allows you to access the grinding chamber for thorough cleaning, ensuring that your grinder remains hygienic and free of coffee residue.

The Capresso Infinity Plus also has safety features, including a safety lock system that prevents the grinder from operating unless the hopper and coffee container are properly in place. This ensures that you can use the grinder safely without worrying about accidents or injuries.

Finally, the Capresso Infinity Plus has a sleek and modern design that will complement any kitchen decor. Its compact size also means that it won’t take up too much counter space, making it a great choice for those with smaller kitchens.

  • Affordable compared to other burr grinders with similar functions
  • Made of high-quality materials
  • Very user-friendly
  • Other burr grinders on the market offer a greater number of grind settings than the Capresso Infinity Plus

Bodum Bistro Electric Burr Coffee Grinder


  • 12 Adjustable grind settings
  • Hopper capacity 7.75oz
  • Borosilicate Glass Grind Catcher with Grip
  • Built-In Timer
  • Stainless Steel Conical Burr
  • Lid Doubles as Grind Guide


Bodum Bistro Electric Burr Coffee Grinder - Enjoy precision grinding with this electronically adjustable grinder, ensuring a consistently perfect coffee grind. Explore the convenience and quality

The Bodum Bistro Electric Burr Coffee Grinder offers 12 different grind settings, which allows you to adjust the coarseness of your coffee to your liking. The settings range from coarse to fine, so you can grind coffee beans for a variety of brewing methods including French press, drip coffee, and espresso.

The Bodum Bistro Electric Burr Coffee Grinder uses conical burrs, which are known for producing consistent grinds. The burrs are made of stainless steel and are designed to last for a long time. This type of grinder also produces less heat than blade grinders, which can help preserve the flavor of your coffee.

You can set the Bodum Bistro Electric Burr Coffee Grinder to grind for a specific amount of time, so you can get the perfect amount of coffee for your needs. The grinder can be set to grind for up to 20 seconds at a time, which is enough time to grind a full hopper of coffee beans.

The Bodum Bistro Electric Burr Coffee Grinder is easy to clean, with removable burrs and a glass catcher that can be washed in the dishwasher. This makes it easy to keep your grinder clean and free from coffee residue.

  • It is relatively affordable compared to other burr coffee grinders on the market.
  • The conical burr grinder produces a consistent grind, which is important for making great coffee.
  • It is easy to use, with simple controls and a user-friendly design.
  • Doesn’t occupy a significant amount of space.
  • Limited grind settings: While the 12 grind settings are decent, some coffee enthusiasts may want more options for adjusting the coarseness of their coffee.

Cuisinart DBM-8 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill


  • Provides a uniform grind for optimal flavor with burr grinding
  • Sleek and elegant stainless-steel design
  • Offers 18 grind settings, ranging from ultra-fine to extra-coarse
  • Slide dial allows you to select a grind for anywhere from 4 to 18 cups of coffee
  • 8oz. bean hopper is removable for easy filling and cleaning
  • Removable grind chamber can hold enough ground coffee for up to 32 cups
  • Easy-to-use one-touch power bar
  • Electric timer shuts off the unit automatically when grinding is complete
  • Heavy-duty motor ensures efficient and reliable performance
  • Cord storage feature allows for convenient storage when not in use
  • Includes scoop and cleaning brush for easy maintenance
  • Comes with a limited 18-month warranty
  • BPA-free construction for added peace of mind


Cuisinart DBM-8 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill - Elevate your coffee experience with this versatile burr mill. Features 18 grind settings for customized coffee, ensuring a consistent and flavorful brew every time.

The Cuisinart DBM-8P1 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill has a sleek and modern design that will complement any kitchen décor. Made of stainless steel with a black finish, it looks great on any countertop. 

The grinder has a large grind chamber that can hold up to 32 cups of coffee, making it perfect for those who want to grind a lot of coffee at once. It is also easy to use, with simple controls and a user-friendly design.

In terms of features, the Cuisinart DBM-8P1 offers a range of options that make it a great choice for home use. The automatic burr mill produces uniform ground size, which is important for making great coffee.

It has 18 grind settings from ultra-fine to extra-coarse, allowing you to grind coffee beans for a variety of brewing methods including French press, drip coffee, and espresso. The grinder also has a timed grinding feature that allows you to set the grinder to grind for a specific amount of time, so you can get the perfect amount of coffee for your needs.

The grinder also includes safety features such as a safety interlock switch that ensures the grinder will not operate unless the hopper and coffee container are properly in place. It also has an auto-off feature that turns off the grinder after grinding is complete to prevent accidents. 

Additionally, the cord storage feature allows you to store the cord neatly and out of the way when not in use, preventing the cord from getting tangled or accidentally pulled.

While the Cuisinart DBM-8P1 has many great features, it is important to note that some users have reported inconsistencies in the grind size, and that the grinder can be noisy during use. However, overall, the Cuisinart DBM-8P1 is a solid choice for those looking for an affordable burr grinder that offers a range of features for home use.

  • Affordable
  • Large grind chamber
  • 18 grind settings
  • Timed grinding feature
  • Safety interlock switch
  • Auto-off feature
  • Cord storage
  • Noisy

Manual vs Electric grinders

When it comes to coffee grinders, there are two main types: the manual and electric grinders. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and which one you choose will depend on your personal preferences and brewing needs.

Manual grinders are typically smaller and more portable than electric grinders, making them a popular choice for those who travel or enjoy brewing coffee on-the-go. They are also generally less expensive than electric grinders and do not require a power source, making them an eco-friendlier option. 

However, manual grinders can be more time-consuming and labor-intensive than electric grinders, as they require physical effort to grind the coffee beans. They may also produce a less consistent grind size, which can affect the flavor and quality of the final cup of coffee.

Electric grinders, on the other hand, are more convenient and efficient than manual grinders, as they require minimal effort and can quickly produce a consistent grind size. They are also available in a wide range of sizes and price points, making them a versatile option for home brewers.

However, electric grinders are generally larger and less portable than manual grinders, making them less ideal for travel or on-the-go brewing. They also require a power source and can be noisy, which may be a drawback for some users.

How does coffee grind size affect a pour-over 

The grind size of coffee is an important factor to consider when brewing a pour-over. The grind size can affect the rate of extraction, which in turn can impact the flavor and quality of the final cup of coffee.

If the grind size is too coarse, the water will pass through the coffee too quickly, resulting in a weak and under-extracted brew. The coffee may also taste sour or acidic, as the water has not had enough time to extract the desirable compounds from the coffee.

On the other hand, if the grind size is too fine, the water will pass through the coffee too slowly, resulting in an over-extracted brew. The coffee may taste bitter or astringent, as the water has had too much contact with the coffee and has extracted undesirable compounds.

The ideal grind size for a pour-over depends on a variety of factors, including the type of coffee being used, the roast level, and the pour-over method being employed. As a general rule of thumb, a medium grind size is a good starting point for most pour-over methods, as it allows for a balanced extraction and a full-bodied cup of coffee.

Final Verdict

After researching and analyzing the top 7 coffee grinders for pour over brewing, we have come to a final verdict. Our top pick for the best coffee grinder for pour over brewing is the Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder. 

This grinder offers excellent craftsmanship, a wide range of grind settings, and precise and consistent grinds. It is also user-friendly and easy to clean, making it a great choice for both home and professional use.

Linda K.
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