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The Top 5 Pour-Over Coffee Makers of the Year
Pour over coffee maker

The Top 5 Pour-Over Coffee Makers of the Year

What is a Pour-Over Coffee Maker

A pour-over coffee maker is an inexpensive and easy-to-use device used to make pour-over coffee. It allows you to grind freshly roasted beans and pour hot water through the grounds for a delicious cup of coffee in minutes. This method is popular with specialty coffee shops and connoisseurs who prefer a more intense flavor from their pour-over.

This coffee brewing device allows you to have more control over the brewing process, resulting in a cup of coffee that is richer and more flavorful.

This is a slow and steady dripping that extracts the flavor from the coffee grounds. There are many different types of pour-over coffee makers on the market, so it is important to choose one that suits your needs.

Below is the List of the 5 Best Pour-Over Coffee Makers to Consider:

Kalita Wave 185 Pour-Over Coffee Dripper


  • Three-hole design for even saturation
  • Can be made of stainless steel, glass, and ceramic styles
  • Filters not included
  • Available in two sizes Kalita 155 & 185
  • Serving size 155(1-2 cups ) & 185 (2-4 cups)


Kalita Wave 185 Pour-Over Coffee Dripper - Stainless Steel

Kalita Wave 185 Pour-Over Coffee Dripper is an easy-to-use coffee brewer that provides a consistent and convenient coffee experience. It is made of stainless steel and is durable and easy to clean. It has a flat-bottomed design and three tiny holes in the bottom which allows for optimal extraction.

The Dripper’s flat bottom provides optimal contact between coffee grounds and water, while also ensuring proper drainage with its three holes. This allows for better airflow and an even flow rate.

Its cone-shaped design aids in the even distribution of water over the coffee grounds, resulting in a cup of coffee that is rich and smooth.

  • Easy to use
  • Easy to clean
  • Lightweight and durable
  • Reasonably priced
  • Have to buy special filters that can be costly
Final Verdict

The Kalita Wave 185 pour-over coffee maker emerges as an excellent choice for those seeking a straightforward and rewarding home coffee brewing experience. Its user-friendly design, coupled with consistent and excellent results, makes it a standout option. 

The easy cleaning process further enhances its suitability for everyday use. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee enthusiast or a casual home brewer, the Kalita Wave 185 pour-over coffee maker offers an outstanding solution for crafting delicious, handcrafted coffee at home.

The Chemex pour-over coffee maker


  • Made of durable, heat-resistant glass
  • Classic design
  • Easy to clean
  • Available in 3 -10 cup sizes


Chemex Pour-Over Coffee Maker: Elegant design, made of durable, heat-resistant glass. Classic brewing for rich, smooth coffee. Available in 3 to 10 cup sizes.

There are many pour-over coffee makers available, but the Chemex stands out as one of the best. Its unique design makes excellent coffee because of the special shape and thick filters that create a better-tasting cup.

The Chemex is a high-quality coffee maker that not only looks elegant and timeless but also ensures safety. You can use it on low heat, a glass cooktop, or a low gas flame to keep your coffee warm or reheat it. While it’s stunning on a countertop, it’s not the best choice for travel.

Made of top-notch, non-absorbent Borosilicate glass, it won’t take on odors or chemical residues. It features a wooden collar with a leather tie, serving as both a handle to prevent burns and an attractive addition.

The patented Chemex pour-over design lets you cover and refrigerate your coffee without losing flavor. It comes in various sizes, each determining how much coffee it can make at once.

  • Classic design
  • Durable, heat-resistant glass
  • Produces rich, smooth coffee
  • Easy to clean
  • You have to buy filters separately
  • Borosilicate glass can shatter
Final Verdict

The Chemex pour-over coffee maker stands as an exceptional choice for those seeking a delightful coffee brewing experience at home. Crafted from durable, heat-resistant glass and boasting a classic design, it not only enhances the aesthetics of any kitchen but also delivers rich and smooth coffee. 

The convenience of easy cleaning further solidifies its suitability for everyday use. While the need to purchase filters separately and the potential fragility of Borosilicate glass are worth considering, the overall consensus is that the Chemex is a stellar option for individuals who appreciate both form and function in their coffee-making ritual.

OXO Brew Pour-Over Coffee Maker


  • Capacity 12 ounces
  • Comes with 10 paper filters
  • Single-serve coffee maker
  • Auto drip tank


OXO Brew Pour-Over Coffee Maker: Sleek design with auto-drip tank. Comes with 10 paper filters. User-friendly and dishwasher-safe. Ideal for a quick, convenient pour-over coffee experience.

It has an auto-drip tank that controls the water flow for a well-balanced brew. This coffee maker has measurement markings on the tank, which shows you exactly how much water to add, the lid retains heat while brewing, and all parts are dishwasher safe.

Another great feature of the OXO Brew Pour-Over Coffee Maker is that it comes with 10 paper filters, making it easy to get started.

Using this coffee maker is simple. You don’t need to work as hard as you would with most pour-over setups. There is no need to use any pouring techniques, all you need to do is fill the tank with hot water, and the machine will do the rest.

  • The lid retains heat while brewing
  • All parts are dishwasher safe
  • Measurement markings on the tank show how much water to add
  • Portable
  • Small capacity
Final Verdict

The OXO Brew Pour-Over Coffee Maker has garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback for its user-friendly design, dishwasher-safe components, and convenient features like a heat-retaining lid and measurement markings. Users appreciate the simplicity of operation, eliminating the need for intricate pouring techniques. 

However, a few have reported issues with grounds in the cup, stemming from the pour-over tank holes. Despite this, the OXO Brew remains a fantastic choice for those who prioritize ease of use and cleaning in their quest for delicious, handcrafted coffee with minimal effort.

Bodum Pour Over Coffee Dripper


  • Stainless Steel Permanent Mesh Filter
  • Coffee Carafe Made of Durable, Heat-Resistant Borosilicate Glass
  • Pour Over Coffee Maker Makes 8 Cups of Coffee, 4 oz Each
  • Dishwasher Safe


BODUM Pour Over Coffee Maker: Stylish design with a stainless-steel permanent mesh filter. Durable, heat-resistant borosilicate glass carafe.

The Bodum Pour Over Coffee Maker is a great way to make a delicious cup of coffee. It is simple to use and only requires a few minutes to brew a cup of coffee.

This manual brewer features a permanent, stainless steel mesh filter that helps extract your coffee’s aromatic oils and subtle flavors, instead of being absorbed by a paper filter. The Coffee carafe is made of durable, heat-resistant borosilicate glass.

The stainless steel filter keeps the grounds out of the coffee, making it smooth and flavorful. However, the filter is not good enough to completely remove all the coffee grounds, so you may find a few in your cup. 

  • Extracts your coffee’s aromatic oils and subtle flavors
  • Simple to use
  • Durable borosilicate glass carafe
  • Stainless steel mesh filter keeps the grounds out of the coffee
  • The removable cuff protects your hands from getting burned
  • Easy to use
  • Reasonably priced
  • The permanent mesh filter does not work as well with all grinds
  • The borosilicate glass can easily break
Final verdict

Despite its drawbacks, including potential issues with certain grinds and the fragility of the borosilicate glass, the Bodum Pour Over Coffee Maker remains an excellent choice for those seeking a simple and affordable way to enjoy flavorful coffee. Its user-friendly design and stainless steel mesh filter make it a worthwhile investment for coffee enthusiasts on a budget.

Hario V60 Ceramic Coffee Dripper


  • Cone shaped single hole dripper
  • Serving size 1-4 cups
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Uses Hario V60 filters


Hario V60 Ceramic Coffee Dripper: Pour-over cone coffee maker with a sleek design. Perfect for brewing 1-4 cups. Dishwasher safe and uses Hario V60 filters for a superior coffee experience

It is made of durable ceramic, the Hario V60 coffee brewer is perfect for brewing a delicious cup of coffee. With its conical design and spiral ridges along the sides, it helps evenly extract flavor from your coffee grounds.

And the cone-shaped design also allows for maximum airflow, and the large hole at the bottom provides ample space for coffee grounds to expand and release their flavor. This results in a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee that is well worth the effort.

  • Produces an evenly brewed cup of coffee
  • Easy to clean
  • The sleek white design would look great in any kitchen
  • There are many materials to choose from
  • You must use speciality filters, which can be expensive.
  • Small capacity
Final verdict

The Hario V60 Ceramic Coffee Dripper stands out with its stylish design and praised construction, ensuring a delightful coffee brewing experience. Its ability to produce an evenly brewed cup is commendable, but potential challenges like cleaning difficulty and the need for specialty filters should be considered.

 If you value aesthetics and quality in your coffee maker, and are willing to invest in specialty filters, the Hario V60 could be an excellent addition to your kitchen.

How to Choose The Best Pour-Over Coffee Maker

When choosing the best pour-over coffee makers please consider the following:

Choose the Right Size

Pour-over coffee makers come in a variety of sizes, so it’s important to choose one that is the right size for your needs. Consider how many cups of coffee you want to make. If you are only making coffee for yourself, then a small brewer will suffice. However, if you are making coffee for a large group of people, then you will need to choose a larger brewer.

Choose the Right Material

These brewers are made from a variety of materials, such as glass, ceramic, and stainless steel. Each material has its benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the one that is right for you. Glass brewers are typically easy to clean, but they can be breakable. Ceramic brewers retain heat well, but they can be difficult to clean. Stainless steel brewers are durable and easy to clean, but they can be more expensive.

Choose the Right Features

Pour-over coffee makers come with a variety of features, such as adjustable drip baskets and pre-infusion chambers. Some brewers also come with built-in filters, while others require you to purchase filters separately. It’s important to choose a brewer with the features that you want and need.

Choose the Right Brand

It’s important to choose a brand that you can trust. Some of the best brands for pour-over coffee makers include Chemex, Hario, and Kalita. These brands are known for their quality products and have a reputation for producing brewers that produce delicious cups of coffee.

Choose the Right Design

When choosing a brewer, it’s important to choose one that has a design that you like. Some brewers come in a sleek, modern design, while others have a more traditional design. 

It’s important to choose a brewer that you will be happy to use every day. If you are looking for a brewer that is easy to use, then the Chemex coffee maker is a good option. If you want a brewer that is more durable, then the Bodum coffee maker is a good choice.


Is It Possible to Use Any Coffee Beans in a Pour-Over Coffee Maker

Yes, you can use any type of bean. However, it is important to choose beans that are suited for this type of brewer. Arabica beans are a good choice for pour-over coffee, as they have a delicate flavor that is well-suited for this brewing method.

Optimal Techniques for Cleaning Your Pour-Over Coffee Maker

The best way to clean your brewer is to rinse it with hot water immediately after use. This will remove any coffee oils or residue that may have built up. If you want to give your brewer a more thorough cleaning, you can use a dishwasher-safe cleaner or vinegar and water.

What Does Pour-Over Coffee Taste Like

It has a clean, delicate flavor that is also well-suited for iced coffee or cold brews. It is also known for its smooth and balanced taste.

Final Thoughts

So which hand-drip coffee maker should you choose to help you start your day? There are a few factors to consider when choosing a pour-over coffee maker. The first is the size of the brewer. If you only drink one or two cups of coffee per day, you may want to choose a smaller brewer. 

The second factor to consider is the type of pour-over brewer. There are three main types: cone, V-shaped, and a flat bottom. The third factor to consider is the price. Some pour-over brewers can be quite expensive, so make sure you select one that fits your budget.

After considering these factors, the best pour-over coffee maker for most people is the Kalita Wave Dripper. It has a cone shape that helps to distribute the water evenly, and it’s relatively affordable compared to some other pour-over brewers.

Linda K.
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